Cost-effective Energy Savings
The cost of heating water is usually the second-biggest energy expenditure in a multi-family residential building, exceeded only by the cost of space heating.
As building envelopes become more energy efficient, the cost of water heating grows as a proportion of overall building energy load profiles and costs. Currently, nearly 90% of the heat energy in warm drain water is wasted down the drain. In terms of overall annual energy expenditures, this has a significant impact on a building owner's budgets. When you consider the lifecycle of a building, the cost of this wasted energy is enormous.
The Power-Pipe® Drain Water Heat Recovery (DWHR) System is a proven and effective means to immediately reduce building water heating costs by 20 to 40%, and to continue saving throughout the entire building lifecycle.

Free Design Assistance
Power-Pipe DWHR systems can be designed to suit virtually any building. RenewABILITY Energy Inc. offers free design assistance to building managers, engineers, or architects as well as two free DWHR training courses. Take our online course or contact us today for further assistance.

Simple Installation
The Power-Pipe is simple to specify and easy to install. With its exclusive patent-pending design, it is the only heat exchanger that efficiently allows for up to four apartment or condominium units to be plumbed on a single Power-Pipe unit, without a discernible water pressure loss.