We will offer customized training for home builders, contractors, plumbers, and building officials who are looking for information on installation and complying with building and plumbing codes. Contact us to schedule a phone or in-person training session.
RenewABILITY is committed to providing training on Drain Water Heat Recovery for professionals and individuals who want to learn more about the potential of this technology to save money and reduce energy consumption in a wide variety of applications.

New Construction

Architects and Engineers
Architects and engineers are invited to take our 1 hour webinar to learn about Drain Water Heat Recovery while earning CE credits.

Installation in Existing Homes
Home owner or contractor looking to make an existing home more energy efficient without breaking the bank? We have resources available for you online and our customer service representatives would be happy to assist you over the phone or by email.

HERS Raters
Drain Water Heat Recovery can reduce a home's HERS rating by up to 3 points. Learn more about this technology with our HERS rater training customized for your company. Contact us to request your free half-hour training session.
Courses for Architects and Engineers